My employer recently announced first class support for running Kubernetes on top of DC/OS version 1.10. In this post we will examine how to get started with using Kubernetes on DC/OS.
- DC/OS version 1.10, either OS or EE edition
- At least 3 private nodes with minimum of 6 CPU 6GB memory and 700MB disk
- Machine with the DC/OS CLI installed and connected to your cluster
- kubectl installed preferably on the same machine as the DC/OS CLI
Install from the CLI
To initiate a basic Kubernetes cluster installation:
dcos package install beta-kubernetes
This will take some time to install, you can watch the DC/OS UI for the progress of the operation. Once the Kubernetes service is in a healthy state and all 19 tasks are running, you can go to the next step.
Connecting to your Kubernetes cluster
Currently, we will have to initiate a proxy connection and instruct kubectl to use it in order to communicate with the Kubernetes cluster.
Open a separate terminal session and instatiate said connection on port 9000:
ssh -4 -i /path/to/your/key -N -L <SSH_USER>@<MASTER_IP>
In the original terminal session, configure kubectl:
kubectl config set-cluster dcos-k8s --server=http://localhost:9000
kubectl config set-context dcos-k8s --cluster=dcos-k8s --namespace=default
kubectl config use-context dcos-k8s
Verify that kubectl can interact with Kubernetes:
kubectl get nodes
That is it! You can now use your own Kubernetes cluster running on top of DC/OS!
Notes and disclaimers
This tutorial is meant to introduce you to installing the beta version of the Kubernetes framework on DC/OS. As a beta software this NOT suitable for production.
Currently, you can only have one Kubernetes cluster per DC/OS cluster
DC/OS and Mesos tasks can only reach Kubernetes Services if kube-proxy is running on the DC/OS agent where the request originates from.
Here is a complete list of all limitations as of this writing (DC/OS version 1.10.0, beta-kubernetes 0.2.2-1.7.7)